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What Is a Mission Trip?

A Christian missions trip is a journey undertaken by individuals or groups of Christians to engage in humanitarian, evangelistic, or service-oriented activities in communities, often abroad. Motivated by faith, participants aim to share their beliefs, assist, and foster positive change

Our Process

  • Applications Open:
  • Applications Close:
  • Application Decisions
  • Deposit Deadline:
  • Flight booking and accommodation booking:
  • Evangelism Course Start Date:
  • Mission Trip:

What will you be doing?

  • Street Evangelism
  • Volunteering to help the local church
  • Bible studies
  • Alone time
  • Prayer
  • Fellowship

Code of conduct

You are expected to conduct yourself according to the highest standards of integrity at all times. Mission trips are a time for fellowship, an opportunity to grow in faith and fertile ground for renewing your perspective. There will be opportunities to pray, speak, listen, study and serve God alongside other people who have felt this call at this moment of their lives.

Bible study in Tenerife with 2023 mission group

Serving God in any capacity is a privilege and we expect that all members will conduct themselves in a manner that exhibits that. We are guests and we must act accordingly and respectfully to our fellow brothers and sisters as we serve in that area. Our mission is to help people discover Jesus and to equip them to make Him known.

The following reflect our core values and are meant to serve as guidelines during a mission trip. As a team member, you are expected and have committed to :

  1. Participate fully in the ministry, be present and on time, and serve in your fullest capacity for the duration of the trip.
  2. Have a flexible attitude, placing your personal needs and preferences aside in order to serve other team members but also people you will encounter on the mission trip.
  3. Be open and honest with your mission leader if there is anything that could potentially jeopardize your ability to serve or place yourself or others in danger.
  4. Stay together as a group or with a buddy as and when needed. You don’t do anything for yourself or by yourself as you’re part of a team serving together, if you need prayer, a break etc. please make it known to your team leader.
  5. Abstain from the use of anything that would hinder your ability to serve, be detrimental to your health, or take your attention away from the mission trip (phones, work meetings etc.) as this is not a holiday !

Terms and Conditions

On Mission is a Christian charity that is part of The Evangelical Alliance, a registered charity number 1170615. Our mission is to help people discover Jesus and to empower them to make him known.

  1. APPLICATION & DEPOSIT PAYMENT Each individual must complete the application form and submit it before the stated deadline.

A confirmation email with all necessary details will be sent out to all successful applicants by the stated deadline, along with the OnMission bank details, also listed below, so the £50 deposit can be paid.

Please list payment reference as: firstname_lastname_dapril24

Name : Our God Given Mission
Account Number : 00030490
Sort Code : 40-52-40**

The deposit payment is required within 7 days of receiving the confirmation email and goes towards the cost of the trip (please contact us if there are any problems).

Failure to respond to the confirmation email or payment of the deposit within the 7 days could result in the loss of your place on the trip. We receive a lot of applications and it wouldn’t be right to hold a place for someone who hasn’t shown they can make the necessary commitments.

2. FLIGHTS & FLIGHT PAYMENTS OnMission does not book flights on behalf of an individual but we will provide details for the most affordable flights at the time of booking.

It is the responsibility of the individual to book the flights and ensure all details are correct (dates, times, location) before booking.

3. PASSPORT & VISAS It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they have a valid passport for the dates of the Mission Trip. Please note, in some countries, your passport is required to be valid for a defined set of time after the dates of travel.

If you are not a British Passport holder, please ensure any necessary visa applications have been made in time for the travel dates specified (please contact us with any required information on our part).

4. VACCINATIONS & HEALTH It is the responsibility of each participant to check and obtain any necessary vaccinations required to gain entry into the Mission destination.

On Mission trips will be both physically and mentally demanding at all times. We endeavour to do our best to accommodate volunteers but please keep this in mind as you prepare for the trip.

5. LIABILITIES OnMission endeavours to provide a safe environment for all Mission Trip volunteers and is not liable for the resultant actions caused by unforeseeable, unavoidable, or unusual circumstances or negligence by the volunteer.

6. ACCOMMODATION OnMission will book accommodation but we will provide details (cost, pictures etc) before the booking so every individual can agree before the booking is confirmed.

Payment for the accommodation will be required a maximum of 28 days after the booking is confirmed.

Please list payment reference as : firstname_lastname_aapril24

Name : Our God Given Mission
Account Number : 00030490
Sort Code : 40-52-40**

7. INFORMATION & CONTACTS For the duration of the trip, the use of phones will be severely limited. This is not a holiday!!

Your Mission Trip Leader(s) will have access to all emergency contacts listed on your application but in all and any case of emergency, you will be able to directly contact the necessary contact.

Each individual will use the WhatsApp group as a main source of contact throughout the trip but numbers can be shared amongst individuals as you go out to evangelise in pairs.

8. WORKING PARTNERSHIP WITH CHURCHES/SCHOOLS ETC. We may work alongside a church/school/group whilst on outreach and all volunteers are expected to comply to the Mission Leader who will be responsible in such scenarios We expect all volunteers to participate where necessary as stated in the code of conduct.

9. CODE OF CONDUCT & EXPECTATIONS All volunteers have agreed to the terms and conditions and code of conduct prior and are expected to comply with all outlined expectations.

All volunteers are expected to comply with the laws and regulations of the outreach country and comply with all instructions given by the Mission Leader(s).

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